23.90 total miles hiked
8197 total elevation change
4147 up
4050 down
1st day-8/18/14 - Snyder lake via Sperry trailhead
4.40 miles
2047 ft elevation gain
The first day on the trail was a short hike but alot of elevation gain. The view from inside of the basin at snyder lake are absolutely breathtaking, you are surrounded by cliff faces that are 2000th feet high in every direction except where you hiked in at. At the camp I encountered a doe. She was very curious and visted me 2 more times that day. There were only two other hikers that stayed at the campground that night, they were a couple from Maine named will and Caroline. ( awesome people )
That night there was not a cloud in the sky while I watched the sunset over the mountains. The stars were like nothing I have ever witnessed! There was not a dark spot in the sky. Snyder lake was amazing.
2nd day-8/19/14 - Lincoln lake
11.50 miles
1300 up
1800 down
I rose before the sun and was able to watch the shadows of the mountains disapear along the other mountains as it came over the closest peak. I ate my birthday cake(cliffbar) for breakfast with my two new friends. We said our good byes while we all took in the beauty one last time before left Snyder lake. After hiking down snyder lake trail I went east on Snyder ridge trail where I encountered mosquitos the size of pigeons, and there were hundreds of them. Once I got through with the ridge trail I went north on Lincoln lake trail. For what is probably the most up and down in elevation I have ever encountered on a trail. Once i arrived at Lincoln lake where the largest waterfall in the park is around 3 I was the only hiker there, I had made it just In time to set up my tent and filter my water from the lake and then the skies opened up. It rained until 8 or so just in time for me to watch the sun set around
10 o'clock the sky cleared up enough for me to see the stars once more in a different lake basin. At 12 that night a storm was coming directly over head where lighting struck 2 miles away. But the thunder is like nothing you have ever heard, it's reverberations bounce off of the basin and make the most beautiful sounds. Each thunder boom lasted for a good 30 to 45 seconds. The combined sound of the thunder, rain, and waterfall made for a very peaceful sleep.
3rd day-8/20/14 - return to civilization via Lincoln lake trailhead
8.00 miles
800 up
2250 down
When I woke, the rain was still drizzling I waited for 10 mins or so, and I was lucky enough that there was a break in the rain. I packed my life's needs back in my pack and hit the trail.
Again like I said this Lincoln lake trail is filled with elevation gains and loses but im not sure if it is just harder going out then coming in or if my legs were that tired. I met the killer mosquitos once again for about a 3 mile stretch
I didn't see any people until I was a half a mile away from the road, so I went a full 24 hrs in G.N.P's backcountry with out seeing a soul and it was incredible.
I'm back at base( R.V.) now with the memories of the best birthday ever. It was such an honor to be able to witness so many beautiful scenes and people. I'm truly the richest person right now.
Happy birthday to you too dad. Love you.