Friday, August 15, 2014

Day 1 in G.N.P.

2754 total miles

44 miles on the day ( on the R.V.) the little car I believe was in the area of 115 miles.

No words that I write down to try to explain what I experienced today will fully capture the beauty that is Glacier National Park. We drove the full "going to the sun road." From west to east then back. Along the road we saw sights that take your breath away, I hiked up a valley to a spot where a glacier's melted water comes over a wall face in a 50 foot waterfall. ( and drink from it)I got to touch a glacier while big horned sheep stood 75 yards away. We saw a grizzly teen bear. And I got to spend a beautifuly perfect day with my grandparents.

Again pictures do this gem no justice what so ever.

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