Friday, May 31, 2013


1 month
Over 4,xxx Miles
19 states
Countless memories & life lessons
This is the first chance i have had to sit down and write this out since getting back home on Monday night around 11:30 p.m.. I got a call with a job offer to do something i love  while I was on the road back home, so 1,000 miles didnt seem like much to drive in one day
After being on the road for just one month i have learned so many life lessons and experienced so many great things that my life will never be the same as it was before this roadtrip.  I have made so many memories and met many nice people, that there isn't any possible way this trip could have been any better.  The views I saw were absolutely  breathing. And the air I breath now even seems more crisp. I see the beauty in things I didnt realize before, and carpe diem everyday now. Thank you so much to all my friends and family that made this journey possible, I could not have done it without you all.

I will be posting more pictures when i get a chance to get them off of my camera.

I took a few pictures of my car fully packed, just thought I would share.

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